2007-2008 Budget Initiatives for Consideration in 2008-2009
Regents Priority Budget Initiatives
Summary of Request Over Level Funding
New York Knowledge Initiative: Broad Access to Learning Resources for All
New York Online Virtual Electronic Library (NOVEL) $10,000
Sustain Library Aid and Library System Aid Increased Funding $3,000
Sustain Local Library Construction Funding $14,000
Access to Education in Museums Initiative $30,000
Employment and Independence for Individuals with Disabilities 
Independent Living Centers $5,000
Making Money Matter: Strengthened Accountability to Ensure 
   Improved Student Achievement and Effective Use of School Resources 
Academic Intervention Teams $13,000
School Improvement and Teacher Quality $2,600 27
Improve College Persistence and Graduation Rates $200 2
Special Education Assistance to Low Performing Schools $500 7
Early Financial Warning System $300
State Aid Management System $5,000
Fiscal Oversight/Technical Assistance Staff $1,000 10
Audit Services Staff $2,400 24
Create Office of Educational and Academic Technology to Effectively Use 
   Technology to Improve Performance $500 3
Committing to Higher Standards: Supporting the State’s Rigorous
   Assessment System $14,000 19
Ensure Excellence and Opportunity for All Students in Higher Education 
Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP)
Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP) $6,100
Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP)/ 
      Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) $2,500
Improving Graduation Rates for all Students $4,000
Postsecondary Education and Disabilities Initiative
High Standards for All Educational Institutions 
Strengthen Graduate Education $4,000
Strengthen the Teaching Workforce Through Increased and Continued 
   Ability To Recruit, Retain and Develop the Skills of Teachers 
Increased Teacher Retention and Effectiveness
Teacher Opportunity Corps $1,800
Professional Education Opportunity Programs $2,000
Strengthen OHE’s Ability to Carry Out Its Responsibilities 
   and Programs $400 7
Total $168,800 99