Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on September 17, 2013.
Discussion Items
Presentation on Program Profiles. Your Committee discussed the Higher Education Data Profiles. The Profiles will provide useful information for the State Education Department, teacher and principal preparation programs, candidates, schools and districts, and the public that can be used for program improvement, program selection, and candidate recruitment and hiring. The Department continues to refine and enhance its information systems.
Teacher Preparation Support Program Update. Your Committee received an update of the activities and accomplishments by institutions of higher education around the state regarding preparation for certification exams, the common core and data-driven instruction.
Proposed Amendments of Sections 80-1.2, 80-1.6 and 80-2.1. Your Committee discussed proposed amendments relating to effective dates and dates of issuance of certificates issued under Part 80 of the Commissioner’s Regulations and the issuance of permanent classroom teaching certificates and school administrator/supervisor certificates to holders of expired provisional certificates. It is anticipated that the proposed amendment will come before the full Board for adoption as a permanent rule at the November 2013 Regents meeting.
President Obama’s Higher Education Plan. Your committee received an overview of the President’s new plan to make college more affordable for the middle class. The plan is focused on three areas, paying for performance, promoting innovation and competition, and ensuring that student debt remains affordable.