Higher Education
Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on December 15, 2015. All members were present with the exception of Regent Bendit who was absent and excused.
Action Items
Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on November 17, 2015
Matters not requiring action:
Proposed Amendments of Subpart 4-1 of the Rules of the Board of Regents Relating to Voluntary Institutional Accreditation for Title IV Purposes.
Report of Regents P-12 Education/Higher Education Joint Meeting Committee to The Board of Regents
Your P-12 Education Committee and Higher Education Committee held a joint meeting on October 26, 2015. All members were present, except for Vice Chancellor Bottar and Regent Cottrell, who were excused.
Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on October 27, 2015.
Matters not requiring action:
Regents 2016 Federal Priorities. Your Committee discussed the new priorities for 2016. Staff will return to the board with a proposal to request funding for clinically rich programs be added to the federal priorities. HE (A) 1.
Regents 2016-17 State Budget Priorities. Your Committee discussed the 2016-17 Budget Priorities. These priorities are expected to be approved at the November 2015 Regents meeting. HE (D) 2
Report of Regents P-12 Education/Higher Education Joint Meeting Committee to The Board of Regents
Your P-12 Education Committee and Higher Education Committee held a joint meeting on September 16, 2015. All members were present except for Regent Brown who was excused.
Annual Professional Performance Reviews of Classroom Teachers and Building Principals [P-12/HE (A) 1]
Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on September 17, 2015
Action Items